Seattle’s Resource for Survivor Representation

Dark haired woman holding a child.

When escaping an abusive relationship, it is critical to work with an attorney who truly understands the destructive dynamics of domestic violence and the impact of domestic violence on survivors and children. It is not uncommon for a survivor’s attorney to be in the position of educating the court on the messy reality of domestic violence. Our attorneys have a wealth of experience advocating for domestic violence survivors and understand the appropriate use of legal tools to ensure long-term safety and security for survivors and children.

I’m not exaggerating when I say Jenny saved my life and my children’s lives. I will be forever grateful for her compassion and understanding, not to mention her stellar legal skills. She is the reason we are finally free of our abuser.
— E.M., former client

Leaders in Low Bono Family Law

Anderson Law Group was founded with one goal: to champion justice for children and families. Too many families fall through the cracks of our justice system because they are unable to afford attorneys. Our law firm is dedicated to helping those families navigate the justice system. 

Jenny Anderson was one of the first attorneys in the Seattle area to open a law firm dedicated to “low bono” legal services - that is, providing affordable representation for everyday people. We work hard to keep our fees low, and we offer a sliding fee scale to clients who qualify. We are very aware of how quickly costs add up in litigation, and we work closely with clients to minimize expense as much as possible while prioritizing excellent outcomes.

Adult and child hands clasped.
I am so grateful I found ALG when I did. I paid another attorney way too much before ALG took over my case and offered me a sliding scale fee that I could afford. They were compassionate and kind, and I truly felt listened to and understood. Most importantly, they helped me stand up to my ex and negotiate a parenting plan that is working great for my kids.
— F.W., former client